

The human body is taken for granted.
People struggle to appreciate their sexuality, let alone their actual bodies.

Have you ever wondered why its socially acceptable for a man to walk around with his shirt off, whereas a woman would be charged with 'revealing herself'?

During the summer, Helen and I visited Venice beach only to learn that the day before had been a protest against women being forced to wear t-shirts. There had been hundreds of women topless with signs just 24 hours before.
Helen and I were really disappointed.



Here a woman's beauty is starkly contrasted to
the harsh reality of snakes and snails and puppy dog
tails. Curved chin and fading breasts, only to be
brought back to life by the thin legs of a spider.

Why am I afraid of myself?

Because the world makes me afraid.

All these paintings are done on planks of wood.
Its very interesting, and the effect is so beautiful.
Artist: Audrey Kawasaki
Art found

A Lady laid in death.

Curse of Curves

Also, the fact that cave women wanted to impress the men --->
is an ingenious idea.
Vanity is something that I firmly embrace, although other people think its a sin.
Well then, it just makes me a lovely sinner.

Hear Me Roar

Women have figures. They are muses. They redefine what it means to sing and cry.
Women have started movements. We grab hatchets and tear down bars. We stand in front of death, large hooves crushing our chests, to fight for the right to vote.
If there are three types of women, then I am one shade of strange.

Women have bones structures that make men lust- a la 'I've got the gift of one liners, and you've got the curse of curves' (Cute is What We Aim For)
Scapulas that protrude from the curve of a back, a sign that being stretch thin is all the rage.

There are warning signs all over our skin but nobody takes notice. Think you can last? Think you won't break?
We'll throw you up against the wall.

When ankles were the most sexual image a man could ever picture. When torsos were crushed like watermelons under the strain of corsets. We never truly left the Victorian ages.

Women are dangerous things. Everyone ignores the warning signs. But taking the risk is worth touching that beauty if only for a heartbeat.

La Femme

Another place I'd like to visit is Paris. To go shopping obviously ;) I'd so go into debt, but it'd be worth it! I have a friend in England who's been there, along with some friends at school and the jealousy I feel is huuuuge. But one day I'll be there! Tiny steps.

So for now, art. LOVE the gentle waves on short hair. It really brings the whole look together. Hair can speak in volumes, like the puffy wavy look on a picture further down.

Found these Paintings Here!
More of Annika's Art can be seen Here
Her art's really impressive, and since she lives in
Paris its obvious where her inspiration comes from.

This is my favorite painting. For me it also seems the one most likely to be a focus of my clothes in real life. The net with the hat is a little more challenging to find in a thrift store. Most of them make you look like a grandma but that little brooch adds the youthfulness needed.
Fashion in art.


A La Gaga

Ok, I'm not going to lie. I am in fact a fan of Lady Gaga.
Her music is just so catchy and fun to dance to! And watching her on tv is like watching a train wreck, without her becoming a crazy psycho.

As much as a lot of people want to deny it, Gaga (yes, I shall call her Gaga) is starting a fashion trend. The way she dressed without a care- I don't care if she does it on purpose or for attention-but she's doing something that others aren't. Yes, other people on the runway have style, but Lady Gaga has the wow factor. Its always a surprise when she turns up in a new outfit. Really, no one can get bored with her.

From her attention grabbing headbands
to the strange pants that are really boots, Gaga tries it all.

With Gaga being the new trend, people are trying to let the commoners a.k.a. the ones who won't spend more than $20 on a headband,
in on the style.

Its like you're a present!
Pair it with a nice dress in either black or red.

I tend to go for the more laid back looks, but other Gaga-remakes go full out.

I actually think thats something Gaga would wear in a heartbeat.

Skull Jacket. Very Day of the Dead-esque. I own a few paper mache skulls in my room from a store on Olvera Street.

Purple Bow. The theme of Gaga's outfits are obviously outrageous colors, and colors pop out amazingly against any hair color.

Black Feather Hat. This hat could be pulled off but only with a themed outfit I think. I'm not really good with eras, but I know it has to be one of those particular themes.

Leather Body Suit. LOVE IT! The maker is so amazing, she really puts thought into the little details.

Blue Feather Hat. This is the kind of color everyone needs. I'd pair it with a black dress and blue tights.

Oh Lady Gaga, You're the Madonna to my fishnets.


High Collars, Long Skirts

The Victorian Age has always held a special place in my heart next to the Reign of the Sun King. I wish I could've lived during those times-but for the clothes only. Well, at least in France King Louis had the partying going on. Dressing up like a princess every night to attend balls until dawn and sleep in Versaille palace.
I took AP European History, can you tell? I wish that there could be more pictures about fashion trends in the big book of hell (seriously. that should be the new name of the ap history book)
So the Sun King was marked by the age of partying. The Victorian Ages? Marked by the development of underground erotica displayed by lifting up the hem of the dress ever so slightly to flash the skin of ankles. Separate spheres so separate that women were not allowed to be alone with a bachelor for longer than a moment. Pregnancy was hidden until the child was born, and parties revolved around tea in gold filligried China.
The wonderful movie that is Sweeny Todd provided so much aesthetically pleasing costumes I almost fainted from the lack of breath my corset was stealing from me!
I also associate gory death with Victorian times. Dear old buddy Buddy Jack the Ripper and his extensive collection of bodies piling high in the streets.
Ah, the macabre glory.

Artist: Lori Earley
Bio: Born in New York