
Under The Rocks

Just doing major internet surfing and little surprises keep falling into my lap.
Here's a few I though you might like.

The Good:

It looks like its time to pull out that red velvet coat that's been gathering dust in the closet. I haven't worn it since fall '09! Le gasp! Its going to be so retro! *please know that I'm being extremely sarcastic ;]
I actually do own a coat, and I'm happy that I never throw things away! They're just put into storage for a few years or so.
But I'm extremely attracted to the short velvet dresses, especially the 1st collection right one (Alexander Wang fall '10) and 2nd collection middle one (Zac Posen fall '10).
Found Here

An uprising of DIY items have wrapped their suction-cupped fingers around our creative minds and haven't let go. Especially since nobody has any money to buy things, its always the better alternative to just do it yourself. And then you have the wonderful rights to brag about how the studded jacket your wearing was created by you!
But with the recent fashion weeks mania, the new DIY item has moved from studding to painting.

The only disagreement I have is ruining a perfectly good pair of Oxfords with paint. Other than that, take those jeans and go crazy. It looks ridiculously good when done right. Perfect center piece for an outfit that's made to draw attention.
Make yours today!

A fond trend that I still secretly love with a passion is fake nails. I stuck with acrylics for about 4 months I think. Four months of lovely square nails that I ardently kept in pristine perfection, with each new paint job styled after the one and only Bill Kaulitz :D Due to...certain circumstances I had to let them go. I can tell you that it pays a pretty penny to keep them good every 2 weeks, on the clock.
Anywhos! Acrylics are making an impressive comeback!

I'm a sucker for these! Look at all the little glitters spots, and claws, and patterns! Man, I'm just too fashion forward since I started doing all these new trends back when I was a sophmore.(which was SO long ago)

The Bad:
Robyn has enlightened me. The only problem I have with military motif is that its too plain, which others might like. Robyn's still the only person I know who can pull it off.

Let's move on, shall we?


I'm still really confused.


People. These will never, ever be ok. Is America going to suffer through another Crocs phase? OR WORSE! The everlasting 'Uggs are still cool guys!'
For the love of god, no they're not.

I never want to be compared to an Amish woman, Alexander Wang.
Yes, the look on the right is good. Basically its just a select few looks in the new T look that lack any sort of creativity.

I'm wondering what other sorts of thing will be happening this year.


  1. For the record, I like the military thing! I think there's a difference between the green/neutral palette and the MJ red/black/etc version. But I'm flattered you think it's okay if I do it hahah

    Also I really like the paint pants and some of the velvet dresses.

  2. i also like the military thing.
    also, my mom definitely has thoase clogthings.
    when are you going to put up your own designs? i'm curious.

  3. humm i dont think ill be posting anything i do until im realy happy with my drawing skills, so probably not for a while.

  4. oohh those pants!

    and the clogs.... EW.
