At my mother's, the only childhood movie that has stayed with me until today has been the Labyrinth. Yes, David Bowie's tight lycra pants haunted my dreams along with his little band of goblins. Seriously-I was terrified of that movie and always protested to seeing it. Needless to say that now I feel a bit smug whenever a Labyrinth reference comes up, and my sister and I have recently bonded again over how we skipped the whole 'let's slowly ease into watching more mature movies'.
It was Labyrinth during breakfast and then Zoolander for dinner, skipping over the sex scenes when necessary.
Yup. Loooove my childhood movies!
I found some art inspired by the Labyrinth that made me giggle, and decided to go to the art opening itself in downtown. Very packed and overwhelming, but the art was so beautiful and creative.
found them here
SOOOO MUCH LOLZ! And this isn't the finished version. At the art show, the waistband of underwear peeked over his hips and read 'Dance Magic Dance.' If that isn't art, I don't know what is ;]